Cancer has affected the majority of us directly or indirectly. When someone you love has cancer, it feels like everyone and their family is battling the disease. According to the American Cancer Society, Breast cancer is the most common diagnosis among Latina women. Although the statistics for breast cancer in Latina women are high, prevention and screening for breast cancer is low.
Latinas tend to be the primary caregivers instead of being care receivers. The responsibility and love of providing for everyone else first, before themselves, is a common act of love and resilience. They also face a cultural reluctance to seek medical advice in fear of their role changing from someone who gives care to someone who needs care. This mindset influences Latina women to seek diagnosis after their breast cancer has progressed to a more advanced stage; putting them at a higher risk of death.

There is an array of risk factors that increase your chance of breast cancer but many can be modified. Examples of such are making healthier choices, reducing your use of products with BPA , reducing your use of products with Phthalates (a group of chemicals), and living a more active lifestyle. There is also a screening tool that is not talked about enough, especially for Latina women.
Breast thermography measures the heat that radiates from your body with an infrared camera that scans and takes a picture of your body. When completed, a thermography scan can give you a visual representation of abnormal changes in your breast.
Breast thermography has many advantages as it is non-invasive, safe and painless.
With thermography there is no exposure to radiation, no compression, and it’s pain-free. Furthermore, it is highly sensitive and can detect vascular changes in breast tissue that may indicate cancer. It can also detect changes with breasts that have dense tissue and implants. Breast thermography is a great option for pre-screening at an earlier age, and most commonly used at a later age in adjunct with a mammogram.
Below are example images from Pacific Chiropractic and Research Center
Normal Breast Scan:
Abnormal Breast Scan:
For Breast Cancer Awareness Month, remember that awareness starts with you.
You have the power to make changes in your lifestyle, habits, and routine. Doing self-breast exams or starting a breast preventative health journal are fantastic options to leading a more health conscious life. A health journal does not have to be a complicated experience. Something as simple as journaling a list of products you use on a daily basis with bad chemicals can give you the incentive to research safer alternatives.
Know what is normal for you and see your primary care physician if you notice any changes.
Take care of your girls y Salven Las Tetas.
*This article is for educational purposes, and not intended to be medical advice. Please consult your PCP regarding health concerns about your breast.