Although quarter one is about to end, as a solopreneur, I have been feeling more stress than ever. The end of quarter one is when entrepreneurs see how to change our metrics for quarter two and how to reach our annual goal in addition to the usual production, marketing, promoting, etc, or services and products. That’s why, with the stressful time that comes, it is crucial to make time for self-care. Self-care can help solopreneurs and entrepreneurs gain mental clarity and find solutions for their businesses.

Although, I admit self-care isn’t all about finding solutions. It’s really there to help oneself relax and be grounded in their own sense of self. Everyone has a different sense of self-care, and finding your own routine is a journey. A journey that takes time and practice.
The truth is, self-care isn’t bubble baths and lighting candles. It’s about finding your true self. At times that can be intimidating, maybe even daunting. For me, I’ve always struggled with the act of journaling as a way of self-care. I never thought I would be one to do it, but through journaling, I have had to ask myself serious questions about entrepreneurship, self, familia, and spirituality. Out of the many breakthroughs journaling has allowed me, one of them has been that it’s helped me prioritize and find more purpose in life.

Another way to practice self-care is to write daily affirmations. By writing affirmations and posting them in the most visited spots around your home, you will be reminded constantly that no matter how hard the road is ahead, you got this and you will be okay.
You are not alone because you have yourself, your smarts, your resources, and your self-love.
It’s hard to see that sometimes, especially when you are IN the situation, but having affirmations posted around your workspace and home, helps you remember you are not in defeat, but instead in a difficult situation. And last but not least, self-care can help give a higher sense of self-esteem. Because you are able to concentrate more on yourself during your self-care routine, it helps shine that bright light within you.

You have taken the time to decompress and reevaluate certain situations in your life. You have been able to reflect on life and have been able to gather lessons through the good and experiences. You are able to see more clearly what solutions can take place.
Self-care can just be as simple as giving yourself the time to not think of anything.

Either way, you come out more confident because you have dedicated time for yourself, and that little gesture within itself goes a long way because it reassures your self-love to yourself. There are various ways to create self-care rituals, and exploring those possibilities is an individual journey.
At the end of the day, what works for me may not necessarily work for you. The important part is finding self-care that works for you as it can help you discover new perspectives of yourself, help affirm your beliefs, and help boost your self-esteem.