So you’re telling me how many planets are in retrograde? And we’re in Eclipse Season now? Okay, who was in charge of this? Was it any of you, readers? Well whoever it was, don’t worry! I have your back with this month’s Brujeria Business!
Collective Card: The High Priestess (reversed)
This is my favorite card! This card is all about intuition. As a collective, we need to listen to ourselves before reacting to anything (or anyone) that may provoke us. With all these eclipses and retrogrades, you don’t need to overthink yourself away or lock all the doors to your home. This is the time to double check everything, listen to your gut feeling, and reflect on what no longer serves so that you may set it free. Time to do the necessary shadow work!

Gemini: Ace of Wands
The Twins, Air
May 21st – June 20th
Yes Geminis!!! Look at this amazing card asking you to just reach out and take every opportunity right now! With a strong foundation, you have the potential for a ton of growth. You just need to water those ideas of yours and get creative. Time to think about what is keeping you from putting your name out there.

Cancer: The Tower (reversed)
The Crab, Water
June 21st – July 22nd
In our best efforts to avoid something falling apart, we fail to recognize that new opportunities cannot take up space if that space is occupied already. Try not to fight changes, nor be afraid. Learn to look at failings as lessons and apply those lessons to what lies in front of you, after the smoke has cleared.

Leo: Four of Cups
The Lion, Fire
July 23rd – August 22nd
Not all summers are a coming-of-age movie with an epic soundtrack. Some summers start off a bit boring and stagnant. This card is asking you to reflect on what you can do to shake things up and remind yourself why you do what you do. Is there something off at work? Maybe this job isn’t what you really want? Learn how to look at things from a different perspective and if things don’t move, then you move Leo.

Virgo: Four of Wands (reversed)
The Virgin, Earth
August 23rd – September 22nd
Play nice, Virgo. Not every office will be family, but that doesn’t mean everyone is out to get each other. Perhaps, there is tension. Instead of trying to make everyone happy, focus on yourself and one other person. Too much pressure on trying to please everyone and force people to mingle will only backfire. Give people space and get to know individuals rather than the whole group.

Libra: King of Cups (reversed)
The Scales, Air
September 23rd – October 22nd
Don’t let your emotions get the best of you here. If you do, it will lead to an unbalanced work life that can potentially seep into other parts of your life. If it is another person in the workplace who is being moody, try not to take it personally. Do what you need to do, and brush them off. Don’t let their emotions impact yours because once again, it will only create an unbalanced you.

Scorpio: Five of Cups (reversed)
The Scorpion, Water
October 23rd – November 21st
Sometimes things don’t work out. Let it be. Do what you need to do to heal. This is the perfect time to reflect and redirect your goals. Use these retrogrades and eclipses as a time to see what went wrong before doing what is right for you. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Healing takes time.

Sagittarius: Ten of Swords
The Archer, Fire
November 22nd – December 21st
Everything has an expiration date. Has this job reached its end? Have you reached your end with a project? Is it time to call it quits with a client? Archer, while it may feel like you have to revive whatever has died, don’t. No one wants a zombie wandering through the office. See what you can learn from these endings and start again elsewhere.

Capricorn: Ten of Wands
The Goat, Earth
Time to set the wands down and ask for help. You don’t have to do it all by yourself. We know you can, but in doing so, you are going to drain yourself. You can see the finish line, but with limited energy, you are going to drop before getting there. Drop the stubbornness instead and ask for help at work.

Aquarius: The Star
The Water Bearer, Air
January 20th – February 18th
Oh I love this! The Star is your card, Aquarius! In the Tarot deck, there are certain cards that correlate with our astrological signs. This is yours! This card is reminding you to look towards the stars, even when things get a bit rough. Take the time to nourish your soul and keep shining bright. You are known as the eccentric sign, so use those eccentricities to your advantage!

Pisces: Nine of Cups (reversed)
The Fishes, Water
February 19th – March 20th
It’s okay if what we dreamt for so long turns out to not be so sweet. That does not negate all the hard work you did to get here, nor does it say the dream itself is wrong. Take this time to figure out what you can do to improve your current work situation and have it align more with what you dreamt it would be.

Aries: Ace of Swords (reversed)
The Ram, Fire
March 21st – April 19th
Try to watch your tongue and your head this month. Be careful with what you promise you can deliver. Things may not plan out as you thought and you don’t want to frustrate others (and yourself). As for your head, keep it out of the clouds. Yes, work can be boring sometimes but things need to get done. Find a way to keep yourself focused.

Taurus: Knight of Pentacles (reversed)
The Bull, Earth
April 20th – May 20th
Everything in balance is the motto for this month. Don’t sacrifice your life outside of work, but also don’t throw yourself into your job that you forget everything else. Too much of one will cause you to lose focus, and it will be hard to ignite that focus when you need it most. Take it easy this month and find time for everything. Or honestly, rest and recharge.