You know the drill brujas! Read for your rising and sun to get a sense of what this month’s Brujeria Business holds for you! Bonus Tarotscope if you read for your moon as well.
Collective Card: 5 of Cups
Pisces season is an ending, and some endings come with losses. But here is the thing, Spring and a new season is around the corner. Take inventory of what needs to be let go and know that sometimes in the losses, there is a freedom. Take it easy on yourself this month. Everything is changing.

Pisces: 9 of Cups
The Fishes, Water
February 19th – March 20th
It’s your season! You are lining up all the ducks in a row and taking advantage of what comes with your season: creativity! You have worked hard and now it is time to step into your spotlight. Go forth knowing you have prepared everything as best as you could. If you have not prepared, use this time to do so.

Aries: The Moon (reversed)
The Ram, Fire
March 21st – April 19th
There are a lot of worries around you at work right now. Whether it is about others, or yourself, it is making you question your abilities. Here is the thing though. Focus on what you can control. Can you change something about what you are doing? Maybe the way you communicate? Or plan? We cannot control others, but we can control our reactions and actions.

Taurus: King of Cups (reversed)
The Bull, Earth
April 20th – May 20th
There is a lot of unbalance of power. Whether it is an empower, or an employee, there just does not seem to be a balance in your life. Maybe it is you who is unbalanced. Too much work? Too much play? The goal for this month is to make sure you find the motivation you need without indulging in anything.

Gemini: 9 of Swords
The Twins, Air
May 21st – June 20th
Worrying about the worries will only bring about more worry. Are you thinking yourself into a spiral? Sometimes action is the best remedy. This can be either making a plan or talking to someone about what is going on. Sometimes it is not just in our heads, but sometimes it is.

Cancer: The Star
The Crab, Water
June 21st – July 22nd
It is all about keeping the faith this month. We want to know so badly that sometimes we give up before the end result. This month practice patience and faith in your job and in yourself. Keep your hopes (and chin) high this month.

Leo: 4 of Wands
The Lion, Fire
July 23rd – August 22nd
This card brings such joy in community and in yourself! Time to celebrate! The flowers are starting to bloom, so get out there and take in the small pleasures of life. Bring a coworker or two along, or maybe join in on an event you would not normally join. Being social for you Leo is a breeze!

Virgo: 4 of Cups (reversed)
The Virgin, Earth
August 23rd – September 22nd
The fog is lifting, Virgo. This is the month to take inventory as to what is before you and what you want to leave behind. You work hard, and sometimes in our best efforts to keep going, we reach a wall. That’s okay, but this month, the bricks are coming down one by one, or maybe all at once. See what is on the other side.

Libra: Ace of Cups (reversed)
The Scales, Air
September 23rd – October 22nd
Take it easy this month. Here is the thing, one month is not a whole year. This may be a more challenging time and you may at times wonder why, BUT I encourage you to take breaks when you need them. Communicate your needs and before you know it, April will be here. March is a weird month. We have rain, heat, snow, and everything in between. Cut yourself some slack.

Scorpio: 6 of Cups (reversed)
The Scorpion, Water
October 23rd – November 21st
What can you let go of right now? What cycles can be broken? This is the end of the zodiac year. Sometimes an ending is necessary. It may not be a whole new job, but it can be something as simple as knowing that you want more in the same place and figuring out what needs to change.

Sagittarius: King of Swords
The Archer, Fire
November 22nd – December 21st
Ask yourself, “Is this the best I can do?” Only you know the answer. Or maybe get an outside perspective on your work. But overall, this is the month to challenge yourself. Push yourself (within healthy limits) and set the bar higher for yourself. You know you can do it!

Capricorn: Ace of Swords
The Goat, Earth
December 22nd – January 19th
Communication is key this month! Conversate with others your vision and listen to their ideas as well! Communication is a two-way street. It doesn’t have to be necessarily about something deep, or even work-related. Sometimes inspiration comes from the words we hear every day.

Aquarius: King of Wands (reversed)
The Water Bearer, Air
January 20th – February 18th
Don’t wait for others to lead you to your goal. Yes, it does help having support and a path, but sometimes neither is available. You must learn how to create your own and to become your best support system. Take this month to learn a new skill that will enhance your leadership development.