With Mercury Retrograde behind us, the summer is ready for your taking! Read for your sun and rising to see what this month’s Brujeria Business wants you to be aware of. Suggestion: read while enjoying the sun!
Collective Card: The High Priestess
This month, follow your intuition when it comes to any work-related projects. If you have a vision you can’t let go, see it through. Work on the projects that move your soul this month. Take your time studying what that may be.

Gemini: King of Swords (reversed)
The Twins, Air
May 21st – June 20th
Breathe deeply, Gemini. This month is all about remaining calm and collected. If there is anyone at work who may not be following that vibe, take the space you need to not let that influence wash over you.

Cancer: 8 of Pentacles
The Crab, Water
June 21st – July 22nd
Keep at it, Cancer. June is all about getting the work done, so you can reap the rewards later on. Set goals, create plans, and stick to them. Consistency is key right now.

Leo: Ace of Swords
The Lion, Fire
July 23rd – August 22nd
Always the life of a party, Leo, and always at the center of anything new and exciting! Kick off the summer by collaborating with others and seeing what new projects you can bring forth. There may be a few surprises waiting for you to uncover.

Virgo: Knight of Swords (reversed)
The Virgin, Earth
August 23rd – September 22nd
Yes Virgo, you are known for having the best eye for organization. However, make sure you are not bulldozing others’ ideas in order to achieve what you believe is best. Sometimes having someone else’s input may help your idea come to life.

Libra: 3 of Swords (reversed)
The Scales, Air
September 23rd – October 22nd
Work is no fun Libra when things get a bit hurtful. This card tends to worry many who get it, but fear not. This only serves to remind you that not all mistakes are permanent. Not all wounds last. Do what you need to do to process and look forward to a brighter workplace.

Scorpio: Queen of Swords (reversed)
The Scorpion, Water
October 23rd – November 21st
Wow! Another reversed sword! Okay, Scorpio, for your card: make sure you watch how you communicate. It is not enough to focus on the what, but knowing how we deliver news and/or react to news given is important as well.

Sagittarius: The Empress
The Archer, Fire
November 22nd – December 21st
Creativity is in the air for you, Sag! Use it to work with others, or to create something new at work. Feel free to take risks and step outside of the box. You never know what you will give birth to, if you don’t try planting seeds now.

Capricorn: King of Pentacles
The Goat, Earth
December 22nd – January 19th
Hey Cap, you may be in need of some guidance this month. Reach out to those you have always admired and ask them for a cup of coffee. Sometimes the greatest teachers are those with the very experience we are scared to try. Just remember to return the favor to a mentee.

Aquarius: Queen of Pentacles
The Water Bearer, Air
January 20th – February 18th
Tap into your inner Work Queen, Aquarius. This month is all about getting your work in order so you can grow new projects later this year. You are taking the time this month to wrap up any loose ends and set plans for the next.

Pisces: 10 of Wands (reversed)
The Fishes, Water
February 19th – March 20th
Drop the wands, Pisces. This month is all about letting any frustrations go. Are you holding onto something that no longer serves you or your work? Drop it. I know it’s easier said than done, but know that this month can give you a sense of peace if you allow it to.

Aries: The Moon
The Ram, Fire
March 21st – April 19th
You may feel like the fire is out, Aries. Maybe you are feeling like you are aimlessly wandering in the dark with what to do next at work. Do not fret. This month is all about finding the light in the darkness. It may be a flicker, but at least it’s not pitch black.

Taurus: Judgement (reversed)
The Bull, Earth
April 20th – May 20th
Cut yourself a break, Taurus. You may be judging yourself harsher than anyone else is. Sometimes we want things to go a certain way, and they don’t. Take the lesson, not the guilt.