Hello Virago Rising community! I look forward to sharing channeled messages here every month that hopefully, empower you to fearlessly pursue your professional goals. May your business ventures always be in your favor and in alignment with your soul purpose…

Collective Card: The Chariot
Contrary to what society tells us, sometimes slowing down is the most productive thing we can do. When we create, we want to ensure that it’s being fueled from a place of purpose. You should feel in flow with your work, for others to receive it with the desired intention and for you to fully enjoy what it is that you’re doing. Otherwise, it begins to feel tedious and taxing and we can lose sight of our vision. You’re not a machine, therefore you can’t always produce on demand.
The Chariot reminds us that movement for movement’s sake is less productive than taking the time we need to refuel our inner engine, so we can come back and tackle our goals head on. Don’t feel guilty for taking a break or scheduling in some self care this month. In doing so, you’re creating space for you to reconnect with your passion and return to your project(s) feeling recharged. Maintaining your drive will play an essential role in the advancement of your career.
With love and light,
Kendra ⭐️