It’s Leo season! As your favorite resident Leo, I’ll be filling in for this month’s Brujeria Business. Let’s dive right in. Don’t forget to check your sun and rising!
Collective Card: Queen of Cups
Leo is the season of self-care and the Queen of Cups is a great reminder for the collective to take this time and make sure that your career is not only financially fulfilling but emotionally as well. The Queen of Cups is a caring and nurturing energy. If you’re finding that you’re not feeling supported or are in need of this type of energy, this card can also be advice to seek out someone like a peer or mentor who exudes compassion. We all need a support system to be successful.

Leo: King of Wands
The Lion, Fire
July 23rd – August 22nd
Fellow lions! What a card to pull for our season. The King of Wands represents long-term success. Something you’re doing at work or in your career is going well and this is a time of visibility for you. You may be popping up on people’s radar or folks are talking about you in high regard. If you found that you’ve been making strategic decisions the past few months, you’ll be reaping the rewards this August.

Virgo: 8 of Wands
The Virgin, Earth
August 23rd – September 22nd
Virgo, if things have been feeling a little stagnant lately, this month could really change that. The 8 of wands is a card of fast movement and this energy could really take you to where you’ve been hoping to go. However, sometimes movement can be overwhelming so make sure you’re staying strategic and not letting the excitement of this movement cloud that wonderful earthy good judgement that you possess.

Libra: Knight of Swords
The Scales, Air
September 23rd – October 22nd
August is going to be a month of grinding. But don’t let the hard work scare you off. The Knight of Swords is a card of courage so don’t be afraid to make big moves. Go for the stretch projects and keep getting sh*t done. It’ll pay off in the long run.

Scorpio: Five of Cups
The Scorpion, Water
October 23rd – November 21st
This card is always interesting to me. At first glance, it’s a card of grief and loss. Three of the cups have fallen over and the contents have spilled out. But upon deeper inspection, you’ll notice that the card also has two full cups behind the person. These cups represent opportunity. Maybe you lost a big partnership or the project you were working on was put on pause. Even though it’s tough, don’t get discouraged. Sometimes you need to take a step back to take a step forward.

Sagittarius: 9 of Cups
The Archer, Fire
November 22nd – December 21st
This is the wish-come-true card! This is a great time to go after what you want whether it’s a raise, promotion, or anything that could improve your career. The 9 of cups is a card of abundance and prosperity. Luck and good fortune are definitely in your corner right now!

Capricorn: 9 of Swords
The Goat, Earth
December 22nd – January 19th
Oh, Capricorn! If work has been stressing you out and keeping you up at night, take some time for yourself. You may be on the edge of burn out but with the 9 of swords, things are never as bad as they seem. This may also be a good time to reach out to a mentor or supportive friend to vent and let out some steam.

Aquarius: 6 of Cups
The Water Bearer, Air
January 20th – February 18th
Take some time this month to reminisce about the past. If you’re having trouble at work or you’re trying to decide on your next career move, it’s good to think about how far you’ve come and how you did it. The past often has lessons that we can keep learning from for years to come.

Pisces: 2 of Cups
The Fish, Water
February 19th – March 20th
If you don’t have a work bestie, one may be coming your way! This could also signify an exciting new partnership at work. If you’ve been trying to get a new donor or collaborate with someone, this could prove to be very successful for you.

Aries: 8 of Cups
The Ram, Fire
March 21st – April 19th
It seems like you’re itching to get away. Whether it’s completely leaving your job or just to go on vacay, it may be time for you to hatch a getaway plan. If your job has been draining you, this is a great time for a little escapism to figure out if your job is fulfilling or not.

Taurus: The Fool
The Bull, Earth
April 20th – May 20th
Congrats, Taurus! The Fool indicates a new beginning or journey. This a great time to lay the foundation for a new passion project or even a new job. Keep your eyes peeled as you may have some cool opportunities coming your way!

Gemini: Ace of Cups
The Twins, Air
May 21st – June 20th
August is a month of overflowing opportunities for you, Gemini! You may even be embarking on a new journey – could be a new job, new partnership, or even a new you. If you’ve had a lot of challenges in your career recently, this is not the time to shy away. You have the ability to take on those challenges!

Cancer: The Moon
The Crab, Water
June 21st – July 22nd
Things could be a little confusing right now. Perhaps you’re in your head or you’re not sure what your next step should be. You could also be running into some miscommunication at work. But even though things are hazy right now, the moon also has the ability to illuminate. You might just not have all the facts yet but they’ll come to the surface soon enough.