COLLECTIVE CARD: “Four of Pentacles”
The message for the month ahead is to be more proactive in how you manage your finances. Money is an exchange of energy, therefore knowing when to give and take is an essential part of generating an ongoing seamless flow. Consider mapping out your short term and long term financial goals and/or creating a budget for yourself. The goal is that your current self be able to reap the fruits of your labor and also, that your future self has a financial cushion to fall back on. Creating pathways for monetary gain, removing financial roadblocks and building guidelines around how you manage finances can help you achieve that balance. Consider meeting with a financial planner or trusted person this month that can support you with this.

GEMINI: “Five of Wands”
It’s you against you Gemini. You are your only competition. This month you may be seeking recognition and validation from your supervisor or colleagues, and you may even be undermining others’ work in the process of doing so. Remember that you cannot find self worth externally but rather have to redirect internally; you must identify your own strengths and areas for improvement. Your energy is misguided right now and a projection of the areas in which you still find yourself inadequate. Look inwards and explore the areas in which you are critical of yourself. Turn that criticism into constructive feedback and watch how your projects, work relationships, and outcomes change for the better.

TAURUS: “Temperance”
You’re learning that you work best when given the freedom to work at your own pace. You are learning how to find balance in your personal and work life and it’s actually allowing you to show up as your best self in your career. You are embracing that your career does not define nor fulfill you but rather having other areas of your life that pour into you in different ways is what brings you contentment. Therefore, it’s important for you to find roles that allow you the flexibility to bring balance into your life. It’s also important that you identify when your cup needs filling so that you can tend to your emotional needs to upkeep your professional stamina. Keep that in mind when planning for the month ahead.

ARIES: “The World”
Now is the time to use your voice and share your unique perspective and insight at work, Aries. Don’t be scared to show up fully as you are in your career – it is your unique experiences that make your point of view so valuable. When given the opportunity, show that you can be a leader and you will be rewarded for it, either through verbal recognition or monetary value. Perhaps you have wanted to ask for a raise or a promotion- you’re being validated that now is the time to do so. Use your voice, even when it shakes because your messages do need to be heard. There is nothing to lose but so much to gain for you and for those around you.

PISCES: “Three of Wands”
Luck is on your side this month, Pisces. Perhaps you have been considering new creative ventures and/or opportunities. You’re being called to explore them and to fearlessly pursue the things that set your soul on fire. This month, you’re reminded that we’re never truly prepared for any significant changes in life or career; therefore, there is never a better time than now to dive into your passions. When you feel connected to and aligned with the work you’re doing, the right people/opportunities will always present themselves. Because this month carries a lucky energy, know that the creative tides are high and you may be presented with an opportunity. If you’re willing to ride this wave, more waves will surely follow behind.

AQUARIUS: “The Magician”
You are at the powerful point in your journey, where you are capable of obtaining any goal that you desire. You have identified your strengths, gifts and abilities and are learning how to harness them in your favor to receive the things you want. If there are things you desire in your professional life, this is the time to claim them. The people around you may be intimidated or envious of this magnetic energy so be selective with who you share your goals with this month. Move in silence, remain focused and eliminate any unnecessary distractions. You’re on the right path, just make sure that when setting intentions, you are striving for the things that not only serve you but also that benefit the greater good.

A change of course approaches you this month, Capricorn. Perhaps your interests are shifting and therefore, you’re considering exploring new career paths. You’re being called to lean into this energy and more specifically, to follow your passions and the projects that excite you. It’s important that you pursue that which genuinely interests you right now, regardless of if it feels like a realistic or tangible goal. Although you cannot physically see the next steps, trust that you are being divinely guided towards the right path. The universe is trying to align you with meaningful and purposeful work so do not hesitate to tune into your creative desires.

No risk, no reward, Sag. We can never be sure of anything but what we can willing to bet on is ourselves. You may have just entered a new job, partnership or venture and are being confronted with uncertainty. It’s important that you trust in your own abilities and remind yourself that with any new journey, we can expect to be faced with new lessons, challenges and obstacles. We can also expect to gain new skills, insight and knowledge. There are more versions of yourself that have yet to be discovered and developed through this new experience. Change can be overwhelming but the potential for change is limitless so venture fearlessly into this untreated territory.

SCORPIO: “The High Priestess”
Scorpio, your birthday month is a good time for some much needed self reflection. Right now, you’re being called to find deeper meaning in your work. You can ask yourself questions like, “How am I serving the greater collective? Which communities am I serving through my work, if any? And what is my relationship to these communities?” Take time to evaluate if you feel aligned with your work and if not, reflect on what changes need to be made to connect with the world around you in a meaningful and intentional way. Hone inwards to rediscover what your mission statement is: who are you, what are you called to do, and for what purpose?

LIBRA: “Death”
New beginnings have met you Libra. You may have just started a new job or recently lost one. Either way, you’re being reminded to trust in the divine timing of the universe. Changes happen exactly when they’re supposed to to support us in ascending into the next version of ourselves or to be redirected on our path. Regardless, it is serving our highest good. You are not one to embrace change but allow this new beginning to transform you. The things we lose in the process of change, even parts of ourselves, are not so much lost but rather transformed into something (or someone) that can better serve our future self. The caterpillar can not remain a caterpillar forever. Embrace the discomfort that comes with claiming your wings.

VIRGO: “Ten of Wands”
You’ve taken on too much this month, Virgo – work responsibilities, expectations for yourself and of those around you. You have to be willing to accept that if projects don’t follow the pace or timeline that was initially anticipated, that is ok. Don’t be so hard on yourself or your team if a ball is dropped – that could simply be an indicator that perhaps there were too many balls being juggled at once. Use this as an opportunity to reevaluate the initial plan/timeline and restructure it with more realistic and flexible deadlines. Be willing to adapt your approach to allow space for pause and reflection. No one can take on this much Virgo, not even you.

LEO: “Wheel of Fortune”
You may be facing challenges in your career right now. Our work environments often meet us with significant karmic lessons, so understand that what you’re being presented with is an opportunity for self-improvement. Perhaps you’re being challenged to tap into new skills, overcome insecurities, or to learn how to use your voice towards effective change. This obstacle is personal to you and likely something you’ve struggled with before, so now is your chance to confront the situation. Recognize that this obstacle is less about your job but rather a lesson to be learned for your own personal development. Once you identify what that lesson is, the obstacles will be removed and you will feel stronger coming out of it.

CANCER: “The Hermit”
This month, take some time to reflect on how your work impacts you on a deeper level. You may find that it’s leaving a lasting imprint on you and your mental/emotional/spiritual well being. It’s admirable to be of service to others but not at the cost of your own health. It’s worth evaluating your professional boundaries and/or how much of yourself you give to your career. It’s important that you create balance in your life by disconnecting from work regularly, so that you can refuel and recharge. Extended time without this could lead to long-term negative consequences. Take some time of this month if you can, or at minimum set some hard stops and firm no’s around your work schedule.
With love and light,
Kendra ⭐️