Shoutout to our founder, Sara, for hosting Tarotscopes last month and launching our amazing TikTok. Yes! Brujeria Business is now on the PLR TikTok. Check it out after reading your sun and rising here.

Collective Card: The Devil

It’s September! You know what that means? It’s almost Halloween so it is only apt that we pulled The Devil as a collective. It’s all tricks and treats, but first we need to know which is which. Be careful of tricking yourself into thinking something is a treat, or treating yourself to a trick to avoid facing a truth. As Fall begins, know that the summertime playfulness can still continue but just as the season changes, so must all of us. No lying to ourselves anymore.

Virgo: Death (reversed)

The Virgin, Earth

August 23rd – September 22nd

It’s your season and while you thrive on order, do not let it be the reason you are held back. Death isn’t scary. Death is a chance for something new to live. What are you doing to prevent a change at work from occurring? What are others? Can you allow change to happen so you can find new life in your work?

Libra: Knight of Swords

The Scales, Air

September 23rd – October 22nd

Get that money Libra! Get everything you want! This is the full speed ahead card, so go for whatever you have been holding off. Your season is next so why not use all this momentum to enter it strong? Don’t answer that. Just go for it!

Scorpio: Knight of Pentacles (reversed)

The Scorpion, Water

October 23rd – November 21st

Has the water stopped flowing? Are you feeling a bit stuck? Overwhelmed? Maybe the motivation is not as strong as it usually is, but we still have to find a reason to keep going. Remember: one step is still one step. Give yourself credit. Do one thing on your to do list and the rest will follow.

Sagittarius: 9 of Swords

The Archer, Fire

November 22nd – December 21st

There is something weighing heavy on your mind. I don’t know what it is. It can be personal or professional but your work is feeling it. Take the time to figure out what you need to let your mind rest. These worries may not go away quickly, but you are The Archer, so pull the bow back and go forward with everything you have. And hey, you have more than you think.

Capricorn: 3 of Swords

The Goat, Earth

December 22nd – January 19th

Heartbreaks hurt, but what we don’t talk about are the heartbreaks that come from losses at work. Those are a different breed. We take them personally, not just professionally. Heal your heart with what you need. If it is more work, okay. If it is less, okay. It’s all going to be okay. Use the power of Virgo season, your fellow Earth sign, to ground yourself.

Aquarius: Ace of Swords (reversed)

The Water Bearer, Air

January 20th – February 18th

Be careful keeping your head in the airy clouds. Your rebellious heart needs to keep your feet on the earth and your eyes on the goal. Collaborate with others, as you are so good at this. Maybe not as well as you usually are, but find the common ground. Remember your ideas are out of the box even for you sometimes, so communicate clearly what you need from others and what you can give.

Pisces: 2 of Wands
The Fishes, Water

February 19th – March 20th

You have everything ahead of you. It is now the time to make a decision and follow through as best as you can. Make sure you double check everything, but other than that, this is a “You got the world in your hand” kind of card. Take it!

Aries: Ace of Cups

The Ram, Fire

March 21st – April 19th

The French have a saying and it is my absolute favorite when it comes to this time of the year: la rentrée. Kids are returning to school, the summer holiday is over, and a new season begins. There are new beginnings around and in you, Aries. Use this energy to pursue your newly awakened self at work and other creative projects.

Taurus: 3 of Wands

The Bull, Earth

April 20th – May 20th

You are looking ahead towards change. It is time to let go of what holds you back and take the leap. This is daring you take the push and run with it. It may be scary, but the greatest things spark a bit of fear in us. You got this!

Gemini: 3 of Cups

The Twins, Air

May 21st – June 20th

Rejoice with your work family! Rejoice in the good you have done, or someone else has accomplished. When one of us succeeds, we all do. Fill the cups and drink up! Responsibility of course. Maybe a Happy Hour?

Cancer: 5 of Pentacles

The Crab, Water

June 21st – July 22nd

It is time to give yourself a break. It’s not always sunny at work, but the lesson this month is to know when to say, “Hey, I can’t do this right now,” without punishing yourself. You do what you can do and that is more than enough. Whatever is going on at work is affecting you and that is okay because you are human. Just make sure you water yourself, Crab.

Leo: 9 of Pentacles (reversed)

The Lion, Fire

July 23rd – August 22nd

Don’t be spending what you don’t have Leo. I know your season just passed and yes to going HARD, but now is the time to be more practical with our finances. Take a page from Virgo and get yourself organized because with your fire and organization, oh I can’t wait to see what is in store for you!