For the past two years I have enjoyed writing Brujeria Business, so it saddens me to share that this will be the last one for the time being. I know that whoever continues will be incredible and I will definitely be reading their monthly tarotscope. So, let’s jump in one last time together! As always, read for your sun and rising.
Collective Card: The Tower (reversed)
Mercury goes into retrograde this month, so it is fitting that The Tower comes out to play this month. Mercury in Retrograde and The Tower are not to be feared. They are opportunities to reflect on what is and is not working. Sometimes all we need to do is to pause and open our eyes to beyond what we first see.

Virgo: Ace of Wands (reversed)
The Virgin, Earth
August 23rd – September 22nd
A bit of brain fog this month seems to await you. Try to not be so hard on yourself as you figure out next steps. I know that’s not really your jam, but you don’t have to have all the answers and all of the details all the time.

Libra: 7 of Pentacles
The Scales, Air
September 23rd – October 22nd
Some progress is better than none and sometimes while in the process of progress, we cannot really see how far we have come. Take this month to look back and be proud of yourself. You may not be at the finish line, but you are not at the starting line either.

Scorpio: 9 of Swords
The Scorpion, Water
October 23rd – November 21st
Are you living to work or working to live? Sometimes we think our jobs are the biggest indicator of our worth, but it is not. You are worthy regardless of what is going on at work. Make sure to take care of yourself this month. Mental health matters. You matter.

Sagittarius: Temperance (reversed)
The Archer, Fire
November 22nd – December 21st
Balance may not be your strongest suit, but this is the month to exercise it more. Everything in life is best in moderation, including work. We love a hard worker, but don’t work yourself to the ground that other things suffer. Repeat after me: balance.

Capricorn: The Emperor
The Goat, Earth
December 22nd – January 19th
Tap into your organized, disciplined self this month. I know that is not hard for you, but sometimes we get settled into a routine that lets some aspects of ourselves lapse. You have made it this far through dedication. Keep going!

Aquarius: 9 of Pentacles
The Water Bearer, Air
January 20th – February 18th
Enjoy what now has sprouted from your hard work. You deserve some play and joy this month! Whatever that looks like for you, go for it! With the Autumn Equinox around the corner, this is the month to harvest.

Pisces: King of Pentacles
The Fishes, Water
February 19th – March 20th
Tap into that ambition in you and use it to guide you in whatever work you desire. This is the month to follow what pulls a YES! from you. Anything less may not be what you really want. Be open to your wants.

Aries: 2 of Swords (reversed)
The Ram, Fire
March 21st – April 19th
Take a big breath with me, Aries. It is going to be okay. Sometimes work, or people at work, can be overwhelming, but this is not a reflection of you. You can only control yourself. Everything will sort itself out. It is not all on you.

Taurus: King of Cups (reversed)
The Bull, Earth
April 20th – May 20th
Is someone at work giving you a hard time? Step back. No need to let their negative attitude drain you too. If this is the case, having boundaries at work may help. If it is you that is dragging your feet, it may be time to evaluate if this is what you really want.

Gemini: The Empress (reversed)
The Twins, Air
May 21st – June 20th
This month try to sort through all the feelings you have about work. Are there things outside of your control (external) or things within your control (internal)? To the external, figure out if you can work on it, and if not, same as Taurus above, boundaries. Internal is all you.

Cancer: The World
The Crab, Water
June 21st – July 22nd
Enjoy the moment! What lies behind you and what lies ahead are either done or not here yet. This is the time to stay present at work and simply enjoy what is going well. No need to fret about anything else.

Leo: 7 of Swords (reversed)
The Lion, Fire
July 23rd – August 22nd
The truth has a way of coming out no matter what. Be honest with what you can and cannot do. As for others, let the consequences come their way. No need to get involved. You know what is real and what is not.
Editor’s note: It’s been an amazing two years working with Janette to publish and bring you the Brujeria Business tarotscopes series. We’re sad to see her go (though she’ll still be writing for the site so keep an eye out for her featured artist series!) and can’t thank her enough for her devoted monthly columns. But Brujeria Business isn’t going away! Stay tuned – announcement coming soon!